Forum Replies Created
May 30, 2016 at 5:20 pm #46613
ParticipantI would say the orbit is the quickest way to balance and clean your qi and clear the energetic pathway between heaven and earth. The wun dang method Michael teach is quite bit different then the method that Matak uses. In my humble and limited experience I would say is good to learn both. Matak’s is to me a great way to circulate earth qi. But Michael’s way is safer and better to balance.
If you are doing DHQ you already half way through it since the first two parts you are creating a vessel/pearl with the sounds and then circulating it trough the orbit. The only difference is that is a macro cosmic one. To turn micro you just have to complete the channel at top and and.
You could do the first part of DHQ since you are used to it and start a walking orbit from it. Then you can sit and let it flow. Or continue the DHQ. Do what feels natural to you.
I would not approach these practices with a what to expect mentality. Everyone comes from a different start point so everyone will have different experiences. Some already had perception of the q field, some none.
The point is where to you plan to go with this? Cure some chronic condition? Better health? Go all the way the alchemical path? If yours is the last one you should have no questions about learning the orbit or any other fundamental practice. Michael’s course is structured that what you learn now is the basis for the advanced practice.
March 4, 2016 at 12:23 pm #46037diogowatson
ParticipantSteve, the “daddy issues” pattern is about power. About getting back the power, the force someone believe was stolen from them. This person is ultimately their fathers.
Michael is for them in a position of power. They are not jealous of him but of the power they believe he has. Like you said, is a matter of being the bad son or the good one. If everything fails they try to destroy it as a form to reject any kind of projection made. It can be something someone can use to grow if perceives what’s happening or can be something very destructive.
September 9, 2015 at 4:07 pm #44705diogowatson
ParticipantI think my head started to spin just reading this text…
But let me try to add my two cents to the discussion.
I think you are experiencing is simple a resistance from the mind. This happen with me a lot too. The best strategy to me is to keep simple. In other words, set up a simple intention and do the the practice just doing the movements and absorbing the qi from the directions. Primordial is so simple and powerful that sometimes the mind needs to complicate it.
In my point of view all you need to know about primordial is the dvd video and in the update youtube video he posted a year ago. I find the audio class to be a unnecessary bonus.
It’s very common to be rigid with the practice in the beginning (but I dont know for how long you practice).”where the qi go?”, “what I have to visualize?”. But just like Stve said, with you keep like this you going to go nuts with Michael in a near future.
August 17, 2015 at 1:34 pm #44590diogowatson
ParticipantThank’s Steve for the great answer!
Like I said before, I dig his firt text “Why I stopped being a light worker”. I was in a very similar point years ago when I started my Kan&LI practice.
I agree in your observations about people being ungrounded. This movements generally start in the social networks.
About “dark force” I will add that this general are mass forces, who try to attract everyone to their field to suck their energy.
Paranoia is considered a high spectrum of psychosis. Maybe we can say craziness is a manifestation of being too ungrouded?
Again, thank’s for the answer.
August 17, 2015 at 1:34 pm #44588diogowatson
ParticipantThank’s Steve for the great answer!
Like I said before, I dig his firt text “Why I stopped being a light worker”. I was in a very similar point years ago when I started my Kan&LI practice.
I agree in your observations about people being ungrounded. This movements generally start in the social networks.
About “dark force” I will add that this general are mass forces, who try to attract everyone to their field to suck their energy.
Paranoia is considered a high spectrum of psychosis. Maybe we can say craziness is a manifestation of being too ungrouded?
Again, thank’s for the answer.
August 13, 2015 at 1:53 pm #44584diogowatson
ParticipantI think the original one is better :
But lacks, like you said Steve, concepts of true ying/yang.In this second he seems a little too obsessed in get free. Wich makes him not free…But I think what he call “lors of karma” has nothing to do with ouversouls but to high dark forces who presents themselves as gods.
What he says in “why im no longer a light work” is very relevant. I’m seeing tremendous powers of false polarization in my country those days. And these powers are not restricted to “energy workers”. It seems the dark forces are really revealing themselves.
June 15, 2015 at 11:06 am #44463diogowatson
ParticipantSea salt baths are very well know and used here in Brazil to “clean evil energy’s”. To me is pure superstition. But the intention of cleaning in that believe can be powerful.
Here this idea comes with the cult of Iemanja, one african deity of water. People took sea bath to take away the evil spirits. later people started reproducing that in their own homes using home salt. Wich I dont believe to be as effective as an ocean.
But we have references of salt being a spiritual component in diverse pracatices and religions. So it can have some energy effects that I dont know. If someone know more about that I would like to hear it.
May 6, 2015 at 10:06 am #44327diogowatson
ParticipantBeing married to a vegan I really know what that means. I can’t remember how many times my refrigerator was called a “vault of death”.
April 30, 2015 at 10:31 am #44288diogowatson
ParticipantMy old Karate teacher used to say that he saw more people get injured playing soccer in the weekend than training Martial arts. Of course, you will get some minor injure once in a while but still considerable lesser than other non martial sports.
I agree with Steve in all he said and have to add that martial arts can give you a excellent mind focus. But in other hand they are sometimes practiced in very aggressive, competitive and military-like environments. I gave up on them because I find the master-teacher drama you sometimes find on those places a waste of energy.
I think Karate, Kung fu and tai chi can be very good foundation practices. But I also think is very rare those who advance energetically and spiritually with only that. I recently met with my old Karate teacher and some of my old colleagues, who still practiced in the last 20 years. None of them, and in that I include my teaches, seemed to have changed much and for then KI/qi was still much of a concept that a practical reality.
January 22, 2015 at 3:41 pm #43802diogowatson
ParticipantI’m glad to hear that. Last time I bought a cd set It got stuck the border for more than 3 months. And I had to pay extra taxes for that too…
And I don’t have a cd player anymore. I have to convert the cd’s to mp3 to listening to them.
January 22, 2015 at 3:33 pm #43764diogowatson
ParticipantI’m from Rio de janeiro, but I live in Porto Alegre.
In the last two years becomes harder to import things. Before last year I was never taxed before. Now everything I buy is taxed.
For some reason, the goji you buy in Florianópolis is a little cheaper and tastes much better than the ones we have here. I know because I was there in the new year.
I not sure about your mother being able to bring the juice. but check this link:
If you are planning to get stuff from dragon herbs I recommend you only import/ask your mother pills. Dont bring infusions. They dont conserve as well as the pills and you can have problems in both customs.
In 2013 tried to bring a infusion I bought in the bookstore retreat. almost have to leave it at Asheville’s airport. And when I got home the botlle had opened in the bag and most of it was spilled. 60 bucks trowed away. I heard Michael tell a similar story, that he had to drink a full bottle of “ant power” because the don’t allow him to travel with that.
January 18, 2015 at 12:45 pm #43756diogowatson
ParticipantYes, that happend in Rio last year. But açai here is a HUGE market and bery easy to get the pasteurized version. Were I live is very rare to see açai on his fruit form. I never see it myself.
January 17, 2015 at 9:28 pm #43752diogowatson
ParticipantHi nomad. Nice to know others brazilians in this forum. Were are you from?
Our customs are a piece of work, as you should know. But I never got any problems with suplements and vitamins. My girlfriend buys stuff from the e-vitamins all the time. I have to check this new law.
There other fitoterpic stuff you can use to build the kidneys besides goiji, and of course iron shirt. The goji we got here are very different from the ones I experimente on the states. And in my opinion they dont have the same qi. And are much more expensive.
Here I prefer açai. The only problem is generaly it has too much sugar.
Back to the customs, the trick is to use small packages and sellers wich yhey eould not recogonize easily. Or ask a friend who lives in the states to send a package.
Every year they are making harder to import stuff like that…
July 8, 2014 at 11:54 pm #42603diogowatson
ParticipantA few months after finishing my Greatest Kan&Li audio course I started the Star Alchemy set. I had a similar feeling to ribosome. I can’t get it only by the audio. What I did? Travelled to USA and learn the course live. And It was Amazing.
But I talked to people who only did the course by audio and felt fine about it.
This is a esoteric teaching. It’s not like buying a tv. It’s not I pay I get it.
And I’m a 100% with Steve about Mantak’s scientific speech. I understand that a beginner’s western mind may need it. But after you grown in the practices it’s a waste of time. And If you going to be fully critic about it they are more constructs and ideas than science. The cauldron is the same as dark matter? How can you validate that in scientific terms?
True, sometimes Michael say thing’s that scare us and make us wonder “who the hell i’m following here?” “He’s real or just some other mad guy?”. But I can say that the practice is real. When he say’s something I cant digest I put it on a little shelve and save it for later. Till I could validate it (or not). But I still do the practice.
I think people is always looking for perfect masters as a compensation for not having perfect fathers. And try to play to these teachers the same dramas they are playing internally with their fathers.
June 16, 2014 at 5:30 pm #42538diogowatson
ParticipantThere’a documentary film on the subject: eat, fast and live longer.
worth seeing