Forum Replies Created
November 19, 2007 at 12:08 am #25998
ParticipantGreat thread. A quick comment, if your Earth energy is weak, especially if that way from birth, your kidneys get tapped out trying to make up for the lack of boundaries. Hitting your body with cold water really slams your kidneys/adrenals. It’s OK if they’re in good shape, but it can make weak kidneys/adrenals even weaker as they try to overcome the shock.
SD, if I can another .02 on your illness: also be cautious with the thyroxin. In case you haven’t heard this, it can have negative long term effects on your thyroid by telling it it doesn’t need to make its own T4. And you’ve probably heard this a zillion times too; there are high quality complements/alternatives. I’m in the complementary care field, focusing on energy medicine. If you like, feel free to drop me a note at michaeldotlegeratgmaildotcom.
On the cold front, pardoning the pun, I’m deeply exploring the usage of the North pole of high quality magnets. The North pole ๐ definitely increases the sense of cold, but it doesn’t feel like the cold void, which is what SD and some of Wendy’s descriptions sound like to me. North pole energies really build up the kidney yin.
MichaelL, who had and still has some significant Earth/boundary issues, weak but repairing kidneys, and cold feet after long sessions with the North pole.
November 9, 2007 at 1:22 pm #25734dolphin
ParticipantNovember 8, 2007 at 11:21 pm #25759dolphin
ParticipantThe link at the end of the article is a much better critique of Ken Wilbur’s ideas. An excerpt can be found here:
It’s much more thorough and well thought out.
Andrews is a wannabe critic probably trying to impress the James Randi’s of the world.
At times, I also enjoy Ken Wilbur. His Integral movement is a genuine attempt to bring it All back together. He has weaknesses like every other human being on the planet, but having a great reach is not one of them.
October 31, 2007 at 10:05 pm #25459dolphin
ParticipantI would like to move like he does when I’m 88. Fun video. Thanks.
October 31, 2007 at 9:41 pm #25374dolphin
ParticipantIt appears that copper can induce eddy currents in a magnetic field, but one of them needs to be moving – the copper or the magnet. Here’s a pic of an eddy current caused by a magnetic ring. Animation of the effect here:
The animation gives a very nice feel for how a magnetic field interacts with a copper ring. It certainly is suggestive.
October 31, 2007 at 2:03 pm #25370dolphin
Participant“Not possible to use only one pole in Jernej’s example as he pointed out, both poles are being used simultaneously – so I think too.”
Sorry, I missed this when I scanned the article. In another conversation with Dr. Rawls, he speculated that there might be a way to open a portal – in time or space – by using this type of configuration. His speculations were around space travel. The north pole pulls while the south pole pushes. With the proper magnets, and possibly a vortex a la Schauberger, it seems possible that whatever is in between the magnets could be accelerated to somewhere/sometime/some state. Given the body of evidence that exists for negative effects from the south pole, I wouldn’t touch a setup like this without adequate shielding of the south pole energy.
October 30, 2007 at 10:11 pm #25366dolphin
ParticipantJsun wrote:
But I think dolphin’s point was not addressed towards your quote but towards some other uses of magnets in general.
I placed my comments here in case anyone decides to experiment with the scenario Jernej described, or any other magnetic stimulation. If you’re using a magnet on the body, use the north pole, as described.
I don’t think that a description of the south pole as ‘yang’ or ‘extremely yang’ is a comprehensive enough description. There’s something else along with the yang energy. In experiments on chickens, the south pole made them dumber, hornier, stronger, more aggressive and less aware than untreated chickens. The stupidity and decrease in awareness seems to go hand-in-hand with the south pole energy. I suspect the latter is what led to the deaths of two of the founders of the biomagnetic system.
October 29, 2007 at 10:53 pm #25358dolphin
ParticipantAlbert Roy Davis, the founder of Biomagnetics International died of a massive heart attack and Dr. Sierra died of cancer that swept through his body in a very short period of time. I think it was his bone marrow – the conversation was moving quickly, I didn’t catch all the details. Both of these gentlemen knew how to easily handle these problems.
While I was listening to Dr. Rawls description, I got a very strong impression of a hypnotic effect of the south pole. Dr. Rawls description of South pole energy is of this force that makes you feel great but also greatly stimulates any virus/inflammation/cancerous growths (I’m in the camp that we all have these entities/forms in us at all times). Whether you can balance this force seems questionable. If anyone could have, the 2 guys mentioned should have known how.
My impression of the south pole energy is that it is extremely yang. Dr. Rawls describes the North pole energy as very nurturing and eventually very strengthening, but that it does not feed energies/forces that we would view as inimical to life.
I agree that conceptually it doesn’t make sense that both poles would be needed. Until I have much greater experience with magnets though, I will be following Dr. Rawls advice.
I’m also of the impression that magnetic energy directly dips into – for lack of a better term – another dimension. Jason, you and I have discussed this at some length. I wonder what the south pole brings in with it.
October 28, 2007 at 8:37 pm #25354dolphin
ParticipantOn a similar cautionary line, I recently had a conversation with the Biomagnetics Int’l people. The founder – Albert Roy Davis and one of the principal investigators, Dr. Sierra, both died rather dramatically after experimenting with south pole magnetic energies. It seems that the South pole has an almost hypnotic effect, lulling the user into a false sense of security.
Be sure that you’re using North pole energies.
October 26, 2007 at 2:43 pm #25329dolphin
Participant1)Posting total – sounded to me like you were honing your communication style
2)Never – that’s a very long word.
IMO, your posts are thought-provoking and deepen the discussion of what it means to be alive at this point in time, easily fitting within the charter of the forum.
3)Again, thought-provoking and deepening. You stuck your neck out on the blog Jason. Personally I think that’s a great way to quicken the pace of Learning, for yourself and others. No tension, no growth opportunity.-ml
October 22, 2007 at 12:07 am #25226dolphin
ParticipantI’m not much into doctrinaire discussions anymore, so I beg your pardon for a brief viewpoint.
You’re both right, or the viewpoints of the masters you’re referring to are both correct, or some of us will unite into the One, and some of us will go on to exercise free will even after meeting/joining the One.
As above, so below. Essentially we’re arguing 2 basic viewpoints here. I assert that both viewpoints are valid and we are likely playing them out here. I suspect that each of us plays them out individually as well: sometimes just sitting, sometimes acting.
I also enjoy reading the canon. To me, it’s a story, especially in English. It becomes less of a story when I have first hand experience of what’s being described/transmitted. Until then I see no way that an absolute foundation can be constructed from them. And even then the foundation cannot include all of reality/humanity.
October 21, 2007 at 10:31 am #25190dolphin
ParticipantOctober 21, 2007 at 10:30 am #25188dolphin
Participant“perhaps this is a private mail question?”
Sounds good to me.
“It may well enhance the effect of that intent in some way also”
Sorry, I should have been more descriptive. As I understand the method: the radionics device first helps focus the intent of the user, but then adds quite a bit of energy to that intent. The device I pointed you to – the LRI – sounds like it gives quite a boost. The creator of the device – Nick Franks – describes the boost as coming from the Psi field. I’ve heard that term, but am not familiar with its specifics. I think that he is able to reach into the space I’ve heard described as the zero point field, or the neutral force.
“>>Homeopathy is not biology, it is physics.<< Ah well there I'd have to disagree somewhat"
For clarity, I'm saying something fairly specific here. One of the main trends in contemporary homeopathy is to try to explain it as nanopharmacology – ie still biologically-based. I think that's a mistake. There is no material left after a 12x or 6c potency. So it has to be energetically-based and therefore falls into the realm of physics. Neither discipline can yet explain how homeopathy works. I think there's a long way to go before science catches up with a good model that does explain it. William Tiller is doing interesting work in this area.
"Do you think this is all down to single-remedies-don't-work?"
I would like to know much more about what you are 'seeing'. I think we should pull this off into private email as I think we're going down into too much detail for this board. To answer your question above: I think that a single remedy can work much better when set in an appropriate complex. I've been poking around in this area for awhile now, and am getting much better results using complexes. And I'm starting with good singles. But again, I'd like to know more about what you're seeing before I rule out the singles idea.
October 20, 2007 at 6:40 pm #25184dolphin
Participant“Do that 12 times, once for each sign, and you have a set of solarized waters each of which can be used depending on what you are doing.”
Practical question: Are you preserving your water? Ie alcohol or some other stabilizer? Water likes to join itself with its surroundings, especially more oxygen.
Thanks very much for your description of your process of using the moon and sun signs. Still digesting your response.
“Franz Bardon was the master – see his ‘Initiation’. He describes alchemical remedies as simply being very effective fluid condensers. His work might well be worth a look for you… ”
Thanks for the pointer. I will check him out.
“hat Simon suspected here, he had just been on a radionic weekend and he insisted that at least some of the machines were much more about focussing intention than anything else.”
Yes, I very strongly believe and have a good amount of experience to back it up – but that doesn’t mean there aren’t alternative explanations – that radionics is primarily an intent focuser and means to realize that intent.
“And as far as you being a medical man or not – well if Hahneman was you are IMHO.”
Thank you very much for your kind words!
“what is your theory as someone who does energy work on what is the reason for the dilution and shaking? ”
This is a controversial subject. Since starting at Celletech I’ve come to find that the dilution and shaking (succussing) is a means to get at the energetic signature of the substance and to dilute the (frequently) toxic substance. Controversial statement: All homeopathic remedies are primarily magnetically-based energetic signatures. Homeopathy is not biology, it is physics.
PS Another big thank you for putting me in contact with Simon!
October 20, 2007 at 6:27 pm #25120dolphin
Participant(sorry, I posted this below before reading it’s replacement here. I’m responding to the ‘need for speed’ Bagua and Nnonnth mentioned and to my initial experiences with Lesser Kan and Li)
I took Kan and Li just this past summer, about 3 months ago. I would say that I took a relatively fast track to that point, doing the first level formula in about 18 months. I did dedicate quite a bit of time daily to the practice, so it didn’t feel like it was too fast. However, I also tend to want to rush things.
I would say that I came into the HT system ‘in crisis’. I had lost my way in the professional world and was generally feeling pretty lost. Finding qigong (Ken Cohen and John DuCane prior to HT) answered something deeeep inside. For as long as I can remember, I had an unspoken question that I had been seeking an answer to. Qigong is providing the means to find the answers to that question and to also ask more questions. I find it satisfying at a very deep level.
Lesser Kan and Li practice is taking a very different tack from my approach to the first formula. I find that this practice is very dense/complex. Moving into it and through it I want to go back and revisit certain of the other practices. In particular I am doing standing tree much more now than I did in the past, and the desire for it is coming from somewhere deep inside.
I’m finding the following hard to put into words, but doing Kan and Li has opened up a perspective on the previous practices and on myself – kind of like de-densifying or adding space between nodes of experience. I’m finding – very early stage – that I can move between the nodes in a certain way. If you find this description obtuse, I apologize.
So this is kind of a roundabout means to get back to part of the original thread. I guess for me right now, I would describe the ‘soul’ as a process or a perspective. An event, not a thing, nor a state. It’s the force that moves the water in the river and the perspective that we use, or that we are, to observe the river as it flows by.