matblack replied to the topic deep healing chi kung in the forum Practice 17 years, 6 months ago
yep Brian, we are in it together! some people realise it, others don’t. But the more we harmonise ourselves, the more positively we are harmonising with the universe and all that is within it.
a butterfly flaps it’s wings, and the effects are felt on the other side of the world.
A human awakens to Buddha hood (or whatever term you wanna use)…[Read more]
matblack replied to the topic SOUND in the forum General 17 years, 6 months ago
… to mention that the sounds also seal the aura among other things
matblack replied to the topic SOUND in the forum General 17 years, 6 months ago
My main practice, taidao, involves using sounds
The sounds are based on ancient fengshui understanding of universal frequency cycles.
The individual sounds are determined by your DOB and gender and correspond with the universal vibration at the time you were born. That frequency being the optimum energetic pattern that your spirit chose to…[Read more]
matblack replied to the topic Ah, yes… in the forum Philosophy 17 years, 6 months ago
Alexander >>we are learning to say yes to ourselves<<
yep, that's how I see it too.
Given that, essentially, we are all one with the life force, it seems to be only the degree of speration or distortion in our dense form that varies from one person to another.
Then it is indeed saying yes to ourselves that allows greater downloading and…[Read more]
matblack replied to the topic Ah, yes… in the forum Philosophy 17 years, 6 months ago
…beggining with an invitation/intention on our part to recieve it….. – refining, receiving, refining, receiving….
…not that the life force (or what ever word we use) is ‘other’ than us, but it needs our permission to ‘download’
– so we are integrating that which is very subtle and allowing it to manifest here…..
GOOD vibes on…[Read more]
matblack replied to the topic Ah, yes… in the forum Philosophy 17 years, 6 months ago
hey Alexander, amazing isn’t it?
greater expanding,
new openings occuring,
the unfolding into broader dimensions…………….
nice one brother
matblack replied to the topic the smart use of million dollar point in the forum Practice 17 years, 8 months ago
Hi Jernej,
do you ‘push’ the point, or massage it? I prefer to massage with small circular movements. Very little pressure is needed because the massage goes deeper and deeper after a few minutes -
matblack replied to the topic Steven gets Blissed in the forum Practice 17 years, 8 months ago
Steven: “The main lesson I can obtain from this is that the whole point of
doing practices is to try to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your
place in the universe. Bliss is a side-effect.”spot-on mate, exactlly
matblack replied to the topic Question on Practice and Eating Food in the forum Practice 17 years, 9 months ago
Alexander, that quote is just what i needed to hear, right now.
I was hit hard today, right inside, in a powerful, but very uncomfortable way.
I was told things I feel i was not ready for…………
That quote puts EVERYTHING in to perspective.
This quote is very potent, and needs to displayed in a place of prominance where everyone…[Read more]
matblack replied to the topic Question on Practice and Eating Food in the forum Practice 17 years, 9 months ago
Hi Steven.
I find there are some things you can do while ‘waiting to practice’ after a meal – although in a sense, they constitue practice anyway.
After eating, while sitting, you can massage any accupoints you want. Some of best for after (and before) a meal are
zu san li = stomach 36
about 3 fingers below the top of the…[
matblack replied to the topic How to Fake an Orgasm (for men) in the forum Practice 17 years, 9 months ago
Thank you too for the conversation.
I s’pose different body types have repective advantages and dis-advantages. eg – i find it real easy to relax, but no doubt you have way more endurance and stamina than me (i gave up the dream of being a brick layer/landscapeer a few years ago)
ADVERTISMENT: ‘the human body. – no 2 models are the…[Read more]
matblack replied to the topic How to Fake an Orgasm (for men) in the forum Practice 17 years, 9 months ago
Hi Barry
B”Does Master Feng include a sexual training in the jing piece?”
I don’t know because I haven’t done it yet, but he has vaguely alluded to it when describing the benefits of level 3.
Strangly though, i have noticed that from combining levels 1&2, that the beginings of sexual practice is somehow addressed.
The first time this…[
matblack replied to the topic How to Fake an Orgasm (for men) in the forum Practice 17 years, 9 months ago
Trunk, now i understand what you mean
T “there still tends to be a residue of unprocessed force left within the pelvic region, and that circulating alone does not resolve that.”
i actually don’t feel that as residual power at all after practice (daoyin/qigong meditation).
maybe it’s got a lot to do with body type – i’m pretty thin – not…[Read more]
matblack replied to the topic How to Fake an Orgasm (for men) in the forum Practice 17 years, 9 months ago
I didn’t really specify what i meant by:
“This when combined and balanced with qi and shen cultivation completelly balances the body and allows it to continually regenerate itself. ”
The reason is that I’m not allowed to say much about it. I’m allowed to say what what affect it has, but not how. This is part of the agreement entered into…[Read more]
matblack replied to the topic How to Fake an Orgasm (for men) in the forum Practice 17 years, 9 months ago
T >>they never directly addressed the serious muscular strength, strong contraction, that comes from vitality. That feels to me a very primal male expression (women probably express it too, I suppose)<<
Sorry Trunk, I don't fully understand what you mean by 'serious muscular strength, strong contraction'
Do you mean that the…[Read more]
matblack replied to the topic How to Fake an Orgasm (for men) in the forum Practice 17 years, 9 months ago
Trunk, that cartoon picture of the guy doing the squat reminds me of some of the techniques that i’ve learned from dragon gate daoyin. (link below)
Many of them work on the hip joint which as you said, has great affect on the LTT.
Another thing i’ve noticed about the gong that focuses on the hips in particular
is that the sacrum gets…[
matblack replied to the topic Primordial Chi Kung and head problem in the forum General 17 years, 10 months ago
matblack replied to the topic Primordial Chi Kung and head problem in the forum General 17 years, 10 months ago
hey Adam, hre’s a link to a qigong healer/teacher in Markham ON. That’s in your state right?
I’ve never met him (i’m in australia) but from reading his articles, and looking through his site, he seems VERY good.
matblack replied to the topic Primordial Chi Kung and head problem in the forum General 17 years, 10 months ago
it could be (as already mentioned) from a misalignment of the neck. it need not be a major misalignment for you to feel discomfort on the head.
are you able to see a GOOD qi-gong healer who can assess your entire spine?
are you able to learn DOAYIN gong in person from an experienced pratitioner?
practicing DAOYIN before and after the…[
matblack replied to the topic Advice for avoiding future problems in the forum Practice 17 years, 11 months ago
>>It HAS been amazing, hasn’t it!<>We are witnessing our relationship with the lifeforce manifesting before our eyes everywhere.<>Humankind hasn’t had a respectful relationship with nature in a while and these are the results. But things will change for the better. I am sure of that.<>Nice picture of you with your child (son?) on TTB…[Read more]
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