Forum Replies Created
May 11, 2006 at 9:56 am #13753
Poo Head
ParticipantDon’t bother to address any reply to me.
I am not going to read another word you write. Ever.
I can bring my own demons out, thank you.
I simply don’t want to be reminded that girls are out there being abused by your hostility and immaturity, masquerading as “provocative wisdom.” Don’t they go through enough?
What did your mother do to you? Why do still hate women so much? Even after all your time with Bodri and Nan? Why can you never see them other than as inferiors or adversaries?
Until you resolve this your cultivation won’t even begin.
Go away. Grow up. Your own cleverness is insulating you against ever being humble enough to realise you are completely messed up about this.
Good luck.
April 18, 2006 at 5:07 am #12889Poo Head
ParticipantJust for the record, I know a Buddhist teacher, not tantric, who works entirely through the body.
Does jing-chi-shen-wu transformation, painstakingly, one knot at a time, and emphasises to his students that all life and nourishment for us comes from the earth.
So, not exactly ignoring half of existence. Fully aware of Taoist practices, finds them a bit childish.
So, Michael, please allow room in your generalisations for Buddhists who are quite capable of honouring all of creation, but still don’t share your opinion, which is all it is, of how to respond to being here.
You’ll have to find some other reason why they’re wrong. 🙂
April 17, 2006 at 10:39 am #12713Poo Head
ParticipantOne: reduce drama. The part of you which likes the big worry and upset, likes the frenzy of porn and masturbation and the feeling of guilt, that part will be more fed if you make a big issue of it.
Two: feel, with no intent or direction, the energy in your legs and lower body, below the navel. It is thicker, more grainy, than the energy in your upper body. This is the energy of generation, of the earth, but it has no sex, no desire, no selfishness in it until mind puts it there.
If you can feel this energy, as it is, then when you experience sexual energy running wild, you may be able to feel this energy within it, and thereby calm down.
It can help a lot to stand, release your whole pelvic floor downwards and your eyes and jaw. This will make the desire part of it just fade out.
Be patient with your meditation and your wandering mind. Even noticing your mind wandering is progress. It can seem to get worse to start with, because you get better at noticing. Just don’t give up.
Don’t keep testing yourself to see if you’ve got better. Don’t keep exposing yourself to temptation. That’s a trick of the mind. You won’t defeat your mind. Just keep developing an appetite for calm, birdsong, parks, talking to old ladies etc etc.
Good luck. Don’t forget to breathe.
April 4, 2006 at 1:11 pm #12350Poo Head
ParticipantI don’t know about pc exercises, but being able to RELAX the whole pelvic floor ( i.e just let it drop if you’re standing, that direction ) makes a vital difference to one’s state of sexual arousal.
It doesn’t channel anything anywhere, that i noticed, but provides an immediate change from explosive/excited to relaxed and aware. This male, at least, finds it astonishingly effective.
Especially if combined with conscious jaw and eye release.
I dare say pc exercises are useful for this in so far as they bring awareness to the area. I don’t know much about them otherwise.
March 15, 2006 at 11:42 am #11398Poo Head
ParticipantJust to look at a few parts of this blitzkrieg:
MW:”Once God divides its original nature of One into Many, it BECOMES the Many. The One no longer exists apart from the Many. The One has become a collective process, and IT CANNOT KILL ITSELF, i.e. end the process of creation, without the consensus of every aspect of the Many. Gods free will, i.e. its creativity, has been re-distributed to the Many…… So I cannot personally stop my self from existing, because it belongs the collective/whole.”
Just because you personally cannot end the process of creation, what has that got to do with what you can do about your self? That’s like saying I can’t burn this twig because there will always be trees.
MW-“There is no pyramid, nobody on top who can issue the command to cease existing. No God or divine agent running the Tao. There is now a central meeting place, the hub of many spokes, the consensus point of the Many at the center of the multiple nested spheres of reality. This meeting point we can say is neutral, or empty of content controlled by any one individual being, but that space is not a void as long as it is collectively owned by the Many as their center.”
Just because people can find this space, it certainly doesn’t follow that they own it, or affect it in any way. This seems to be an assertion without evidence.
MW – “The desire to stay in neutral is essentially taking the religious position, I am one of Gods Children, and if I let go of my limited sinful ego-self stuck in desire, then God-Daddy-Creator-Tao will make all the right creative decisions FOR ME or THROUGH ME. Then I wont actually have any responsibility for the outcome.”
If we were to be as patronising about the taoist alchemist’s position, we might say:
“The desire to become a spiritual immortal is essentially taking the religious position,”Even though I am clearly imperfect, I shall adjust such parts of me as my imperfect self sees fit, and no others, which will leave me so groovy, so utterly right, that I will be suitable to merge with everything and last forever.”
And really, Michael, are you so sure that you are in a position to say what the only two possible outcomes of Chan cultivation are? Are you quite sure there are no possibilities out there you haven’t spotted?
When I first heard, that you were going to be more active on this forum, I was delighted that you would be sharing your knowledge. But now it really seems as if you want to stifle debate by launching huge unanswerable tracts of assertion at anyone who dares to differ. I do remember that you had to defend yourself, and taoist alchemy in general, against a great deal of vitriolic attack from the bodri camp, but it really seems like you’re overcompensating now.
As a debating champion, you should be ashamed of this paragraph:
“To keep this really practical, lets bring in the consequences of having sexual power to create new realties/beings: If I get a woman pregnant (speaking as a man), and she gives birth to a child, can I just neutrally witness that child and expect that the Tao or Buddha will raise the kid? Or is the creative burden put on the level of micro-ego-self that created the kid, i.e. ME, to feed and clothe and love the kid and mature its new micro-ego reality?”
March 15, 2006 at 11:11 am #11294Poo Head
ParticipantWould not such a program of covert implants require:
a) that the chip in each supposed bird flu shot be personalised to the recipient, and
b) the co-operation of lots of very ordinary health care workers?I’m afraid I can’t bring myself to find it very likely. Does anything in your meditation practice directly suggest that such things are going on? Or is this an opinion based on more standard alternative media sources?
March 11, 2006 at 8:42 am #11309Poo Head
Participant– “Everything awaits transformation.”
Maybe 🙂
– “Everyone must be responsible for themselves”
Yes, but we still need to establish what “yourself” is and what “responsible” is. How much of that-which-supposedly-needs-transforming are you responsible for? How much is “yours”? How much are you creating? How, most importantly, IS this stuff created?
Let me explain my attitude, and rather than arguing, we may find that we have much in common.
I choose to interpret responsibility primarily in terms of not creating any more energetic gunk, by not resonating with that which I encounter, through releasing the patterns within me which currently do so.
My experience is that we create, unaware, a truly PHENOMENAL amount of rubbish, just by being who we are and resonating with our fears and desires all day. And letting go of the parts of us which continually compose this junk is the single biggest contribution we can make to the energetic ecology (and every ecology).
To me it’s like dismantling the factory and THEN starting to clear up the countryside. Otherwise you can be moving about, thinking you’re cleaning stuff up and not realising that you’re still a factory.
I think much of the argument between “transformers” and let-goers” is just words.
I think that letting something go is not merely a process of turning your back and letting it drift, still noxious, into the environment. I believe that the structure has to be transformed in the process of letting go, otherwise it would still be part of you.
I think that the REAL issue between the two camps ( and the reason why we wind eachother up so much ) is the issue of how much of one’s “self” is “valid”, that is, how much is the divine nature of this incarnation with its divine job to do and hence to be cherished, and how much is rubbish to be cleared.
In short, transformers like their “selves” more than letgo-ers do. Let-goers say to transformers: “go on, you can do without all this identity, it only makes you miserable, you’ll still exist.” and transformers say to letgo-ers : “why are you afraid to express your unique nature, don’t you want to live?”
And I think they’re both right. Not because there is some well-balanced compromise view, but because both views are right for those who hold them. While you want to express your nature it is the right thing to do, if you want to release your identity it is the right thing to do. There’s no point trying to do one if you’re drawn to the other. And no point trying to convince anyone that the other attitude is right.
It just another level of the yin-yang of creation. Some aim for more individuality, saying “yes, I’ve got a plan, we can make this better,” and the others are more inclined to experience being undifferentiated life, saying “jeez, it doesn’t need fixing, if you’d just stop there wouldn’t be a problem to start with.”
I don’t think either of us are in favour of encouraging big clouds of nasty energy to float around until they attack Michael Winn. But it sounded like he learned something valuable from the experience, so who can say whether it was or wasn’t just the right thing to happen?
I’d agree that lots of letgo-ers don’t realise that a lot of stuff has to be dug up before it can be let go.
Would you agree that a lot of transformers keep a lot of personal gunk they should think about transforming, because they think that so long as their transformation process is ticking along nicely then everything else must be ok?
September 9, 2005 at 5:05 am #6054Poo Head