Forum Replies Created
January 3, 2013 at 12:15 pm #39978
Swedich Dragon
Now I have been practising the belt channel for awhile.
There have been periods when I didn´t do the practise much, mostly
beacase of sleepines.But also periods of quit regular practise with the belt channel.
Sometimes the practise hasn´t been wery strong, or quite week, but still
nice to do.Sometimes it has been quite strong, but not as strong as in the beginning.
Yesterday It was wery strong: At many points the beem or radar scan was wery strong, particularly at the navel. When I came to the navel the second time, going down from the head, the radar beem was wery wery strong, and it was like there was coming energy from outside, perhaps the universe, can’t realy say. But there was energy coming into the navel and into the tube around the central channel.
If I had been practising from my own decissions, was following a guided band, then I had stopped and stayed at the navel. Beacase it seemed to be what the energy wanted to do. But instead I followed the energy to the next point, but still having energy left in the navel and around the central channel towards the navel.
The solar plexus point was also strong and have often been when I have done the practise.
Today I have had more energy in my daily life than I usually have after my burned out condition, even thouhg not sleeping as much as I usually need.
Now I go to physical exercise some swimming and have to stop.
November 27, 2012 at 7:29 am #39972Swedich Dragon
ParticipantHello Steven!
Yes I know aboout both grounding issues and boundaries, in my life.
I think it is a central part energetically to my health problem also and
so is the stomach.I was realy amazed of how strong the energy was in the pearl, especially around
the central channel. I realized emidiately that i didn´t want to go inside of it completely, beacase it was already energetically wery strong on the surface of my visualized cylindric protection around it.One of the areas that was particularly strong was around the t12, adrenal, solar plexus area. The solar plexus area started to vibrate and chake like a motor
vibrating in it, in the same time I had a wery strong lust to laugh or maybe cry, but more laughing, the energy in itself was making me laugh and I felt that there was a energetic blockage that was working with. Iteresting to see where this lead.It reminds me of my start in the system back in 1999 when deep breathing to the stomach did breake a blockage in the navel area, a wery intence experience. I have writen about it before on this forum. Shortly: I couln’t breath 100 deep breath, from beginning I got strong problems after perhaps 10 or 20, sweathing dissyíness and a wery strong impuls to stop the practise. I was working myself up towards 100 breathing, and after a long while I was close, perhaps at 80, and I forced myself to 100, it was wery hard to continue, perhaps as running one more mile after a marathon, but I did continue. Strong feelings and tremendous sweating emerge, dissiness like I almost fell of the chair. I continued 95 and a strong eager to stop, 96 almost impossible to continue, 97 almost fainting, 98 a wery strong explosion in the navel area, and a burning feeling like someone had put fire on my navel, I was on my way to fell of the chair and had to fast move into the sofa, which almost fell from my fast movement, then I was in the sofa for hours totaly exhausted. After this experience fast development from my burned out condition occured. After a few mounth I could work at 25% after years of no working. Then perhaps a year later I was on my 50 % level. Is still today, but on a better level and on my way up.
I feel that the blockage I went into is connected with or the same blockage that I had in the navel, I haven¨t completely worked true it yet, I now realise. This also means that this practise perhaps has the potential to solve more of my energetic issues, and more haling is possible.
And from what you also write about the extra ordinary channels, Steven, I think I am on the right track.
My latest practise was on the bus at home from work and I didn´t feel secure enough to go true the belt channel there, instead i did the positive and negative fusion practise and the mco.
My intension is to follow up this thread when new things happens.
And it is also nice to have you there, beacase I am in this on my own for the moment, except for the tai-chi group.
My former yoga group shall also meat in december, at a nice place. Some of them
have also started some interesting practises since we did brake the group.SD
February 25, 2012 at 2:12 pm #38860Swedich Dragon
ParticipantThe group I practise with are more into martial art stuff than spiritual stuff.
But they give the practioner time to both.I still find it difficult to get the structure right in my iron shirt practises but still I have improved. Most in that way that I have started to like this kind of practises.
I have no big idea ower where the tai-chi will take me. I just follow the instructions for the moment and play with them.
I have noticed that even though quite or wer tiered when starting the tai-chi I feel good afterwards.
I did meet the teacher that started the club for ower 30 years ago. I met hem yesterday. When practising together. Liked hem.
I do more iron shirt at home inbetwean the tai-chi classes, which I do just once every week for the moment. I think that I will do tai-chi for many years to come so there is no need to hurry learning anything. Just to play.
They have a good atitude towards how you learn new things and that is wery nice.
I also read some from mantak chias book about tai-chi. That also helps me to find my way I think.
January 24, 2012 at 3:59 pm #38374Swedich Dragon
ParticipantJanuary 12, 2012 at 5:15 am #38368Swedich Dragon
True feelings is the whole thing isn´t it!
January 11, 2012 at 3:48 am #38364Swedich Dragon
ParticipantHello Adel!
I do follow your post to. Thanks for your response to mine.
What is the reason that Michael Winn did change the order of them? It seems to suit me anyway and perhaps many more people. Seems to be a good idea to learn them quite close to eachother.
Perhaps exercising the virtues and when doing so take care of the negativity that is realised during that practise with the other cycle, that seems to me to be a good response.
From what I have read every organ can have any feeling within it. It is just descibed as that each organ has the “responsibility” or are in charge of sertain feelings. (not realy finding the right words) So in your case if you have a huge feeling of fear, which probably is on a wery deep layer, then that will be the major thing to deal with for every organ. That seems resonable to me. This issue will probably be something for you to work on for a long while.
Good luck with your practise Adel. I will follow your thread with interest, but perhaps not contribute much more to it, beacase I am quite new with fusion.
Good to see you to!
October 25, 2011 at 11:38 am #38057Swedich Dragon
ParticipantOctober 24, 2011 at 2:02 pm #38047Swedich Dragon
ParticipantI´m just curious if you have tried the different kind of nose massages in the Qi self massage program?
September 7, 2011 at 11:51 pm #37798Swedich Dragon
ParticipantSeptember 2, 2011 at 2:55 pm #37759Swedich Dragon
ParticipantIt seems to me that you not need to go a course in positive thinking. You
are indeed complete! But I´m shore you already know that, funny guy, but and serious!I myself believe in imortality to, but perhaps not to sertain about it for me, perhaps something to work about. I think more like if it happens, immortality, then I´m shore I will be able to deal with it!
September 2, 2011 at 2:46 pm #37788Swedich Dragon
ParticipantAugust 31, 2011 at 3:43 pm #37743Swedich Dragon
ParticipantAs you know.
People see what happens after death wery differently.
To put it shortly:
Some think that after death ewerything is darkness, or more rightly the counsciousness has no information what so ewer.
Others think that we will be some kind of ghosts perhaps somethimes just for awhile to take contact with near friends before we goes to the other side
Some believes we go thrue a tunnel and are experimenting every important episode of our life, and perhaps also goes thrue some kind of moral judgement of what kind of live we have been living
Some belive that the personal atman will be part of the wourld soul Bhraman
Some belive that our soul will reincarnate into another being
Some believe in imortality for some
And also many other believes.
What do you think? Might it be so that our believe system as living will afect what will be the reality after death. Or might it be so that the time has no importance after death, beacase the time is a construction of the mind and the mind is no longer when you are death. and after has no meaning without time.
Or is it so that every other explanation of what happens after death might be right. Perhaps after death has no simple explanation. Perhaps that reality is as complex as the living would, and all the explanation mentioned and many more are true in some part of the existence or non existence after death.
Well your post did just waken alive those thoughts in my mind. Thougths I thougth on my holliday, whitout actually any imput from reading, just some discussions with some friends.
SD Hi Steven
August 31, 2011 at 3:22 pm #37782Swedich Dragon
The thing that a part of the mco is blocket and you not feel anything there is normal. It is also normal that you can feel the energy at the points that following after the blocked area. I think you not feel anything in the blocked are just beacase it is blocked, but the thing is that the energy does pass there anyway, at least to some extent, even though you not notice it. See it as a blind spot where your atention at the moment can´t reach. Just continue your practise and after some time the blind or blocked are will gradually open up and then you will start to feel energy even at thoose spots.
But pay attention to if the practise afects you in any negative way. That could be a sign that you should be a bit careful and perhaps search for some advise from more experienced persons in this system. But I also have to say that when areas that are blocked are coming alive again, that process in it self might be emotionaly painful to some extent. Learn to feel the difference betwean what is pain that will be good for you and what is pain that is a signal for you to take it easy with your practise.
About the other question, which I am not as sertain to what to answer you. I want to say to you as long as it feels right, I should let the energy do what it want´s to. The energy is much more wiser than anybodys intelect! But exactly your pattern of energetic feelings, which you describes, are unfamiliar to me and perhaps somebody else will know more sertain what is good for you in that situtaion.
I feel from reading your post though that you yourself feel that you should let the energy do what it want´s to and that that is right for you. That feeling is probablyl right.
August 3, 2011 at 3:06 pm #37656Swedich Dragon
ParticipantHello and congratualtions to you!
I think as a beginner you can do the orbit not to slow, but still experiment whith different speads, learn to listen to what your body needs and keep an experimental attitude.
After doing this for a while you can do the orbit wery slow or wery faat.
Slow: Like staying at each point realy long. Realy go into each point and stay there let the energy go more intence and also relax and smile into the point. Often when doing so the point will automatically owerflow after awhile and then the enregy goes automatically to the next point in the orbit. Then stay long at that point. When to continue in this process, well that is realy up to you, often you get some kind of feeling that the point is finnished intuitively.
Fast or wery fast: This could also be practised somethimes after you practised for a few weaks regularly. You can do the orbit more or less without staying at the points, more going in the meridians of the governor and functional channel. Just feel the points if they automatically are felt. You can do each round rather rapidly or wery fast or extremely fast like 1000 orbits in a second, just to mention the extremely fast energy practise. But don´t do it so fast often, only somethimes to experiment!
Another way that is quite nice is to follow your natural breathing pattern. Learn to breath to the stomack. Following your breath to the stomack and this way learning to breath deeper more relaxed and in a soft way. Automatically by practise your breathing will slow down. Don´t puch it to be slow just learn to relax into your breathing. Do the microcosmic-orbit while you are breathing. Breath in when taking the energy up through your spine and breath out when taking it down to the navel again. Doing so for each breath. As long as you which.
I myself did start my practise from the book you are mentioning. That was in the year 1999. After six mounth I had the oportunity to go a five day long course with Mantak Chia and some universal tao practioners from Sweden. That did increase my understanding alot.
I recomend you to try some courses in the universal-tao system if you have the possibillity.
I can also recomend you the books by Eric Steven Yudelove, especially for you the book “100 days…”. In that book you will find wery good complementary practises to your practise of the microcosmic orbit. I have follower that and another book of hem the last years and it was wery good for me.
Which you the best qi to your microcosmic orbit practise!
June 4, 2011 at 6:16 am #37456Swedich Dragon
Participant -