Tantra11 replied to the topic Disabled with CFS but too horny to stop losing jing in the forum Practice 11 years, 11 months ago
Well, it’s now around four years later, so I thought I’d post an update on this in case someone reads this thread looking for the same thing I was, namely to stop losing energy via ejaculation and orgasm as part of healing a chronic illness.
To reiterate, Chinese doctors would tell me not to masturbate or have sex, that it would negate their…[Read more]
Tantra11 replied to the topic Qi Gong for bedridde people in the forum Practice 11 years, 11 months ago
That is indeed an inspiring video. Thank you.
The link at the end, however, goes to a thread about that same video, not one about the Deep Healing Qigong.
Tantra11 replied to the topic Qi Gong for bedridde people in the forum Practice 11 years, 11 months ago
How do I quote your message? Anyway, yes, it’s not good to program oneself to be weak or sick, so I agree we should do what healthy behaviors we can. My point is, though, that for some, even ten minutes of standing is too much. For someone without experience with CFS, it’s probably hard to understand, but it’s true. I could get into the biology of…[Read more]
Tantra11 replied to the topic Qi Gong for bedridde people in the forum Practice 11 years, 11 months ago
Cattleya and I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, so though we may be able to stand and walk a bit, I don’t believe it’s healthy for us to do so. We have orthostatic intolerance, which means the blood pools into our lower extremities when standing up, which places a strain on our body which already is severely weak (mitochondria aren’t producing…[Read more]
Tantra11 replied to the topic Is this stuff for real??? in the forum Practice 16 years ago
Thanks. I’ll do it!
Tantra11 replied to the topic Is this stuff for real??? in the forum Practice 16 years ago
Thanks, SD! I seem to have thought of doing exactly the same things, and it’s great to hear that it worked for you. I hope to someday be at your level of health, and I also hope that one day we both achieve the highest levels.
Have you learned how to relax yet? That’s still hard for me. As is smiling, but I’m getting better at it. LOL. Seems…[Read more]
Tantra11 replied to the topic Disabled with CFS but too horny to stop losing jing in the forum Practice 16 years ago
I used to also look at the child-molesting priests as evidence that celibacy for spiritual purposes is stupid. You’re right–suppression just is not the way. Once you start to say sex is bad, it becomes forbidden fruit and all the more enticing. What I’m doing is different. If I meet a woman, I can still have sex, for example, just that it will be…[Read more]
Tantra11 replied to the topic Disabled with CFS but too horny to stop losing jing in the forum Practice 16 years ago
Thanks for your help. I’m doing lying down versions of the Inner Smile and healing sounds. I don’t have my books with me (lots of stuff still in Chicago when I moved to where I am now), but I found instructions here:
It seems to combine five of the sounds with part of the Inner Smile,…[Read more]
Tantra11 replied to the topic Disabled with CFS but too horny to stop losing jing in the forum Practice 16 years ago
Well, just by white-knuckling it, I seem to have broken through to the other side. After a week or so of extreme horniness, it went away! The people on reuniting.info say that orgasm isn’t a need like sleep; it just seems like it because most people don’t ever push past the stage of great cravings. I’ll still do the connection with earth…[Read more]
Tantra11 replied to the topic Disabled with CFS but too horny to stop losing jing in the forum Practice 16 years ago
Swedich Dragon, yes, the acupuncturists said to stop sex completely, or at least for the course of the treatment. Maybe I will call them to ask what exactly they mean, but I’m thinking I’ll only bother them if I really need help. I’m not trying to reach advanced levels or anything, just prevent this loss. Other people, who seem trustworthy, on the…[Read more]
Tantra11 replied to the topic Disabled with CFS but too horny to stop losing jing in the forum Practice 16 years ago
Thanks for all the great advice, guys. (And sorry about the accidental double post.) First, what does QF3&4 mean? Sorry, I’m not familiar with these abbreviations.
Second, yeah, I guess from the tone of my post, it might sound like I’m worrying, but I think that was just because I’ve been two weeks abstinent and was having a moment of fairly…[Read more]