Consider the historical milieu of early China.
Starting from Shang Dynasty (about 1700 b.c.), we have world’s first organized mono-theistic religion, focused on Shang Di “Most High Ruler God”. This is the root of later Tao cosmology of Great Oneness, taiyi, a.k.a. Mother of All Things. Note the gender switch.
But only the emperor and a few nobles are allowed to do rituals or oracle bone readings to contact Shang Di. They performed bloody animal sacrifices, and even human sacrifices – the oracle bones tell us 13,000. humans were sacrificed over a 200 year period.
This tradition of Imperial animal sacrifices continued until 1911, when the Last Emperor was removed. Sacrifice and divination are still very deep-seated in Chinese culture. At some point, the divination shifted to the I Ching from oracle bones.
So there is your first answer: They would consult the I Ching on whom or, which path had highest support from Heaven and Earth. The trigrams and hexagrams are symbols used to invoke guidance from higher spiritual fields of intelligence.
The second Way they voted was with their FEET.
Lao tzu headed West on his ox when he saw the degeneration of imperial rule. He is often depicted riding it facing backward, to show his absolute trust in the ox as a symbol of Earth’s divine intelligence. Earth-ox did not need his guidance, it knows where it is going.
His Tao Te Ching advocates minimizing a ruler’s power and allowing the common people to self-govern. That was revolutionary in his time — an endorsement of democracy over royal rule. The modern political theory closest to minimal government is Libertarian. I support them, but a vote cst for their candidate is wasted in a close election.
Lao tzu and Chuang tzu both opposed Confucianism, the successor to Shang and Zhou Dynasty imperial, top-down rulership by the 1% of their day
In the 13th century, Tao sage Chang Sanfeng was pursued by the emperor, who sent 30,000. workers to build the Golden Temple atop Mt. Wudang to curry favor with him.
Did it work? Nope. Chang Sanfeng, age 95, headed out into the wilderness, to merge with the true Primordial Ruler of Nature. In short, he voted with his feet. But he kept re-appearing for another 400 years to help out the common folk. That suggests he attained the level of long lived Earth immortal. Modern people, programmed by scientific materialism, cannot conceive of this possibility. Having met a Tao immortal in broad daylight in 1981, I accept their reality.
Please note that Chang Sanfeng was the originator of Primordial Tai Chi for Enlightened Self-Love. That’s my translation of his wuji gong form.
Healing Tao logo reverses standard positions of 4 trigram pairs, expressing our alchemy potential for transforming ourselves or our situation into its opposite. Eventually the core flowers, Truth emerges. This is a musical cosmology, our soul literally SINGS its destiny, its Mandate from Heaven.
1. Practice Primordial Tai Chi (or other cosmological qigong-tai chi forms) before you decide how to vote. It centers you, builds the neutral space in your core channel, so you can receive clear guidance on best Way to proceed.
Primordial Tai Chi is a ritual movement form that activates your body as a “Living I Ching”, with eight cycles invoking the eight trigrams of the I Ching (pre-natal or Fu Xi arrangement). It has 384 weight shifts in it, the exact number of changing lines in the 64 hexagrams (64 x 6 lines = 384 possible changes in any moment).
1a. After you finish the Primordial Tai Chi ceremony, lie down in wuji state of total surrender for 5-10 minutes. This will further effortlessly empty your mind. Then sit up and ask the I Ching for advice, using 3 coin or 16-token method, which gives the exact same odds as the original yarrow stalk method. I recommend using Stephen Karcher’s Total I Ching, but any version will do.
Sample question: “Does it serve the Highest Destiny for all concerned that I vote for XYZ candidate?”. You don’t need two readings, the first one will give positive or negative indication. If you need additional clarity, do a second reading on the other candidate.
2. In this election, many people feel BOTH candidates lack the ability to lead America to fulfill its highest destiny.
Candidate #1 has been described as “an empty shirt, who aimlessly wandered the halls of the Senate for 50 years, voting for whatever seemed popular at the moment”. The most notable claim to fame by his state is that 66% of the Fortune 500 corporations are registered in Delaware. This is where the 1% elite feel most protected – and Candidate #1 is beholden to them. They run the Deep State, the military – industrial – big tech complex.
Candidate #2 has been described as “a meglomaniac and liar who changes his mind so frequently and impetuously that his main talent is creating Chaos”.
He has presided with great ambivalence over the trampling of constiutional rights during the pandemic lockdown. Will he flip flop and protect our civil liberties after the election?
Ask the I Ching. It sees all timelines at once, picks the most probable for this moment.
Candidate #1 wants tthe glory of becoming the captain of the Titanic, the corrupt Big Govt. boon doggle run by the Deep State, with 200 Trillion USD in promises that can never be kept.
He wants to copy Obama, go back to the illusory, comfortable past, while slowly watching the Titanic sink in an ocean of debt. His mind is too dull to imagine a new and different future.
His frequent gaffes in piublic reveal memory loss at age 77, and raise speculation about his mental competence, following a long decline since his is brain aneurysm and pulmonary thrombosis in 1988,
Candidate #2 is the iceberg that will sink the Titanic. That is what Chaos does: it hastens the death of what is corrupt and decayed, so some new, higher level of social organization and Leader can finally emerge.
Clearly, Candidate #2 is not that Leader. Does America need another 4 years of Chaos to really be ready for a total rebirth? Ask the I Ching.
The “Chaos candidate” approach has a meta-physical appeal to Taoists who embrace wuji, the unknowable supreme mystery, as the Creative Womb of this cosmos. It’s an un-orthodox metric for choosing a political candidate, but the original Taoists were by nature un-orthodox.
It’s a choice between “sink the Titanic slowly, or get it over with quickly”, so we can move on.
Again, ask the I Ching, what is the best path for America?
In summary:
1. The question, for modern Taoists, is NOT “who do I vote FOR?”.
2. The question is, “Who do I vote AGAINST?”
Which candidate’s path is “less damaging” to the fulfillment of America’s highest destiny, and preservation of its cherished civil freedoms?
I’m not revealing my vote, it’s best you examine the choices yourself.
Take responsibility for your destiny choices.
We can also evaluate the candidates by key issues of concern for Taoists.
A. Which Candidate is more likely to violate the Taoist #1 principle of the NATURAL SOVEREIGNTY OF OUR BODY, i.e. who will best honor the divine integrity of our Human Body?
Re-stated in religious terms:
God gave us a body to fulfill our destiny, to turn it over to imperial dictates of the State is a kind of enslavement.
The worst violation would be Forced Vaccination, aka medical fascism.
This would be Big Pharma forcing the triumph of antiquated Germ Theory. Quantum mechanics and TCM both support Field Theory as the causative factor. Our genome, biome, and virome control the body Field, not an isolated germ/virus.
Germ Theory is FEAR-based, the total distrust of humanity’s ability to achieve balance with Nature via herd Immunity. Collective immunity – field theory – is the true antidote and natural check-and-balance to any pandemic.
The future is customized medicine, tailored to everyone’s unique genetic makeup. Vaccines are “one size fits all” – 200 years out of date.
Flu vaccines are historically and notoriously ineffective due to the rapid mutation of viruses. But most people don’t know about the long term effect of the aluminum adjuvant in vaccines is likely causing a global epidemic of AUTO-IMMUNE DISEASES. They have become the 3rd biggest killer on the planet after heart disease and cancer.
In 1989, 8% of adults got a chronic illness during their lifetime.
That was the first year infants were given 69 vaccines on a mass scale.
It is now estimated that 50% of adults will get a chronic illness.
Big Pharma has done its best to suppress all scientific study of the LONG TERM safety of vaccines. Current study times are for reactions within 2 to 6 days.
SCARY 3 min. video of Dr. Seth Gerlach reading CDC Vaccine ingredients.
B. It’s IMPERATIVE you read the research by the world’s leading scientist and author of the standard textbooks on Auto-Immune Diseases. The inescapable conclusion is that a large portion of the American population is at risk from an auto-immune inflammatory reaction to the toxic aluminum in vaccines. Most flu vaccines contain mercury as well, another known toxin.
Vaccines could be helpful in speeding the process of herd immunity, but they need to be RE-DESIGNED – the toxic aluminum and mercury need to be removed, a safer adjuvant found.
This article was published in 2018, thus not influenced by the pandemic.
IMPORTANT: You cannot trust Big Pharma, CDC, or WHO for information on LONG TERM vaccine safety. They are all in the vaccine business together. They want your money more than your good health. AS RFK JR reminds us, the top 4 Big Pharma have been convicted of felony crimes and paid $36 billion in fines. Vaccines are their cash cow – they have zero financial liability for side effects or early death from inflammatory diseases.
C. Which candidate is more likely to pretend they are for democracy, but favor more denial of constitutional rights, more lockdown as pretext to “protect every one”?
Lockdown is a form of Imperial rule by edict – exactly what ancient Taoists were determined to escape. Such edicts were also the trigger for the American revolution.
Need for lockdown is a Big Lie, put forth by Big Media, on behalf of its Big Customer, Big Pharma ($5 billion a year in ads).
We know Sweden avoided all lockdown, did not destroy their economy or force masks on anyone, and they are safely at herd immunity. Sounds like a good place for Taoists to move to…
The CDC tells us the global Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) is between 0.15–0.20% for all age groups and 0.03–0.04% for those less than 70 years old. This means for those younger than 70, the IFR is less than it is for the average flu season.
From the book by Briggs, Richards, and Axe, The Price of Panic: How “Tyranny of Experts” Turned the Pandemic into a Catastrophe:
“2020’s attributed COVID-19 deaths were equivalent to having another 2017-2018 flu and pneumonia season boosted by 13 percent. The CDC estimated 177,000 Americans died during the 2017-2018 flu season, from the flu itself or by complications of pneumonia. Fewer people are dying today and more people are recovering with few or no problems. So why does the press keep burying it?”
Which candidate will tell the truth, that PCR tests do NOT diagnose disease, but reveal the presence of antibodies to over 100 corona viruses, ranging from common cold to flu?
Finally, let’s keep perspective.
in the Tao of Voting, there is no “right” or “wrong” vote.
There two candidate paths are just part of a much larger process.
We collectively choose our destiny, with its blessings and its sufferings.
I vote for YOUR EMPOWERMENT, to follow your authentic Way.
Far more important than who becomes President.
Michael Winn
“The Tao is very close, but everyone looks far away.
Life is very simple, but everyone seeks difficulty.”
— Taoist Sage, 200 B.C
Michael Winn has 40 years international teaching experience in Tao medical, martial, & spiritual arts. He was a founder and two-term President, National Qigong Association;is founder of Healing Tao University, the largest Tao arts summer program in the West,located in the Blue Ridge Mountains near Asheville, North Carolina.He is president of the non-profit Dao Alchemy Research Institute, was founder and 9 years Chairman of the Healing Tao Instructor’s Association,and co-founder of the Council of 9 of the Universal Healing Tao (abroad).
He has taught internationally on five continents and was invited to teach at Omega’s Super Qi Summits. He regularly speaks at international conferences of Taoist/Daoist scholars
and is on the editorial board of the Journal of Daoist Studies.
Winn has authored ten Tao home study video-audio courses, written dozens of articles, book chapters, nd presented papers at numerous international Daoist/Taoist scholar conferences. He is co-author or the actual writer of Mantak Chia first 7 books, including the classic Taoist Secrets of Love: Cultivating Male Sexual Energy. His ebooks include Way of the Inner Smile, Five Animals Qigong, and Primordial Tai Chi: Way of Enlightened Self-Love (forthcoming in 5-volume ebook “Bamboo Scrolls”.
Winn lives in a simple log home in the mountains near Asheville, N.C.
His 6-year son gives him daily lessons in wu wei (Tao of spontaneous action).
Winn has a private qigong & shengong therapy practice (live session or phone).
Get Michael Winn’s FREE 130 page ebook Way of the Inner Smile,
with 25 fabulous photos of the world’s most spiritual smiles: http://www.HealingTaoUSA.com
My newsletters on COVID-19:
February 20, 2020 (6 weeks before Pandemic declared)
Tao of Corona-Virus in a Golden Rat Year. Viruses are highly intelligent expression of Nature
Viruses volve faster than humans. A global pandemic of FEAR . What is truly evoked: evolutionary shift,
2. Feb. 22
Is Tao “Nature” Darwinian? Tao cosmology frees us from struggle against nature/viruses.
3. April 3.
Invaluable information on natural prevention and treatment of COVID-19
4. JUNE 5
LOVE vs. FEAR: Covid as Spiritual Awakening?
5.Sept. 18
6.Oct. 12