.freeform. replied to the topic Dragon and central channel in the forum Philosophy 17 years, 5 months ago
Yeah, I’m not sure the exact word or phrase you’re looking for, but I also encountered this knowledge through NLP and hypnosis – it’s around every 90 minutes for me… Also we normally breathe more from one nostril than the other and this flips in cycles (although it flips voluntarily, if I want)
{{>>now if I try to feel whether the channel…[Read more]
.freeform. replied to the topic Dragon and central channel in the forum Philosophy 17 years, 5 months ago
What we think of as the spine is what we feel on our backs… but the main ‘bulk’ of the spine is actually on the inside and phisiologically, that internal bulky bit could easily be considered as the ‘core’ of the body…
Ofcourse the core channel does not necessarily have a physical basis, but if it did, it *could* be considered as the spine…[Read more]
.freeform. replied to the topic Still trawling… in the forum General 17 years, 5 months ago
can you guys give a bit of background on this?
I wonder what you found usefull in that video?
what’s with the aliens? what’s the evidence? it seemed that his evidence was ‘talking to a lot of people’ which (especially in our ungrounded culture) usually means multiplying and crossbreeding illusions (imho)…
any recomendations of where a…[Read more]
.freeform. replied to the topic New Nnonnth-bog – second post just up! in the forum General 17 years, 5 months ago
Like the blog a lot!
I was into magick for about a year and I think I took away the most usefull concept from chaos magic – that there is no truth in content – only in process… so whether your earth element is represented by a bear or a monkey does not matter, but the act of representing it does matter…
and this is what I see with the…[Read more]
.freeform. replied to the topic Lama Dorje info aka Max on Tao Bums in the forum General 17 years, 5 months ago
erm… doesn’t it make a lot of sense to not mix certain practices? Just as you wouldn’t want to constantly shoot energy out of your head when practicing microcosmic orbit…
To say that he says not to mix practices because he wants a monopoly is rather ludicrous to me…
.freeform. replied to the topic Freeform, would the word 'Vardavar' mean anything to you? ๐ in the forum General 17 years, 5 months ago
Yes Vartevor – (translates as ‘day of rose’) – I didn’t actually know the pagan or even christian tradition behind it – All I knew is that it’s the day when you get all your buckets out, any plastic bottles (fill em up and put a small hole in the lid) – and go watering girls… it’s a really fun day!
.freeform. replied to the topic Enneagram straw poll in the forum General 17 years, 6 months ago
Actually it’s the Turks vehemently denying any genocide (they see it as a genorous act of re-settlement, with the unfortunate loss of over a million people) – oh and some Kurds and Greeks too… most of my grandfather’s family were burnt alive trying to hide out in a church.
So since Turkey wont admit it, it’s not quite ‘internationally’…[Read more]
.freeform. replied to the topic 11:11 in the forum General 17 years, 6 months ago
.freeform. replied to the topic Enneagram straw poll in the forum General 17 years, 6 months ago
It’s also quite hard to notice 9s – very often misrepresented because we tend to take on the personality of whatever we’re near (so haveing a 4 girlfriend at the moment has me connecting with people intimately) – my internet persona is very 5ish (that’s the most appropriate type to be on the internet)
6’s are hard to connect with – that’s…[Read more]
.freeform. replied to the topic Enneagram straw poll in the forum General 17 years, 6 months ago
Some very interesting essays: http://www.enneagram-instrument.org/ennbody.htm
and see how that work evolved over 10 years here: http://www.newequations.com/
9’s 8’s and 1’s are all meant to be belly based, and the others are either heart or head based… these guy experientially found something different (I believe they’re looking at…[Read more]
.freeform. replied to the topic Enneagram straw poll in the forum General 17 years, 6 months ago
You dont get 6s? – I bet they get you!
the gift of the 6’s is their level of awareness (on what they focus on) – they’re the most energetically sensitive people around! This sensitivity can also be their downfall – they tend to notice immediately what’s ‘wrong’. You also have phobic 6s and counterphobic 6s – the difference is how they relate to…[Read more]
.freeform. replied to the topic SOUND in the forum General 17 years, 6 months ago
Interesting about the pure tones and pure forms (geometry?)
I remember reading somewhere that Tibetans see geometric mandalas as sound/tones frozen. I remember also seeing how playing tones aimed at a container of water causes these geometric (3d) shapes (that change completely depending on the pitch).
I think it was also on here that…[Read more]
.freeform. replied to the topic Enneagram straw poll in the forum General 17 years, 6 months ago
I completely agree about there being a big breakdown once you go below the highest level of generalities… it’s the same in Taoism – in the highest generalities it’s about neutrality (9) – then you get into taoist practices – feng shui, alchemy, martial arts etc and you’re in the world of the 5s.
In a very general way I find Judaism to be 2 -…[Read more]
.freeform. replied to the topic SOUND in the forum General 17 years, 6 months ago
yup I started getting the ringing about a year and a half ago – only one tone I can discern – it’s always there in the background, I can tune in and become conscious – I only percieve one tone (yes very high pitch) and not in any specific ear (it’s kind of in the middle of the head) I can sometimes expand it through my whole body.
No idea what…[Read more]
.freeform. replied to the topic Enneagram straw poll in the forum General 17 years, 6 months ago
1’s have the daunting task of saving the world (that’s what it feels like to them) – so the focus is global or on humanity – they also come from the lower dan tien, and that’s what I get with you, AA… ofcourse you may have your heart open and enveloping the world and that’s why there is often a ‘globalness’ to your ‘tone of voice’.
It’s also…[Read more]
.freeform. replied to the topic Enneagram straw poll in the forum General 17 years, 6 months ago
My online personality is more akin a 5… you can tell the 9ness by how I tend to bring things into neutral (notice any post with a strong good – bad, right – wrong polarity, I always go the predictable route of relativity (there is no good or bad but thinking makes it so)) I’m more ‘unassuming’ and ‘easy going’ in person.
I’m good at spotting…[Read more]
.freeform. replied to the topic 11:11 in the forum General 17 years, 6 months ago
>>Obviously you’ve been hearing about 11:11 for years and you are fedup to the tonsils with it, and you think that it’s a bunch of wank!<<
That's the feeling I had too, AA. Seemed something personal.
Funny thing is a site then says you'll start to notice 12:34, 22:22 etc. I havent had any of these… I completely understand the phenomenon…[Read more]
.freeform. replied to the topic Enneagram straw poll in the forum General 17 years, 6 months ago
1. Yes I’ve gotten a lot of benefit from it – when I first read about my type it was like a bomb exploding in my heart – the first thing that struck me was how it showed all my hidden aspects, my hidden agendas and all my patterns in plain light.
Steven – most people approach the enneagram as a personality typing system – ofcourse I see it more…[Read more]
.freeform. replied to the topic deep healing chi kung in the forum Practice 17 years, 6 months ago
.freeform. replied to the topic deep healing chi kung in the forum Practice 17 years, 6 months ago
there is no solution!
at least not in the way you *think* there is – solutions can only be thought up – that’s just the mind pretending it’s in control.
When we bury something deep and ignore it, it tends to take on a life of its own – and you ignoring it doesn’t mean it’s not there – it’s still colouring everything you do. It’s still subtly…[Read more]
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