Forum Replies Created
February 25, 2008 at 11:40 pm #27596
ParticipantKeep eating that way. You’re in for a world of hurt.
December 22, 2007 at 6:02 pm #26626johnson
ParticipantBreathing very slowly naturally induces extra body heat, but I don’t know exactly why. It works particularly well if you breath out absolutely all the air that you can, before you inhale, in my experience.
November 17, 2007 at 10:23 pm #26019johnson
ParticipantI’d say in the case of the Chinese, they didn’t CARE about anything outside of their little overly-structured universe. Traditional tribes really didn’t KNOW about anything outside their universes.
November 11, 2007 at 12:23 pm #25679johnson
ParticipantI had wondered if it wasn’t more an issue of excess sameness versus excess stimulation. Cultures like China and many traditional tribes are/were relatively isolated. Change rarely occurs, and outside influences are not always welcomed. On the other hand, Hindu/Western societies are much more aware of the “other” simply via geographical realities. They were able to stay in more constant contact with other societies. Much like the tendency for people undergoing sensory deprivation to hallucinate things that are not there, I think the multiple souls thing may be a similar response to a somewhat-analogous situation.
November 3, 2007 at 11:15 pm #25520johnson
ParticipantHi Michael,
We of course are both aware of the Chinese hun/po multiple soul theory. Probably also you are aware that many, if not most, traditional groups like the Eskinos/Inuit, Amerinds, etc. believe in multiple souls as well. Particularly one group in Brazil believes that we have an animal and a vegetable soul. My question for you is, what are your thoughts on the types of societies/religions/belief systems that believe in a single soul, like Hinduism and others, versus ones that believe in multiple souls?
March 9, 2007 at 9:18 pm #21551johnson
ParticipantI’ll be laughing about this for the next 15 minutes, quietly because my 8-year-old is sitting in the room.
Only on the healing tao board….I really marvel at our lack of political correctness here….are you the reincarnation of Ron Jeremy?
March 4, 2007 at 12:56 am #21298johnson
ParticipantYou can only find this stuff here on the Healing Tao.
February 12, 2007 at 8:04 pm #20899johnson
ParticipantAnimal fats, especially raw and unprocessed, can be very healthy. The Masai of East AFrica, who subsist on almost entirely meat, milk, and blood, are much healthier and stronger and have better bones and teeth than their mostly-vegetarian neighbors, the Bantu. The Eskimos traditionally ate tremendous amounts of fat and blubber, and had excellent health, no heart disease or cancer, etc. Animal fats are not the enemy. See and
September 11, 2006 at 3:20 pm #17718johnson
ParticipantThe second link has a lot of the Gutenberg material in the beginning, but you’ll find the relevant material if you scroll down.
I don’t subscribe to all of his theories by any means, but you might want to take a quick look at some of these reptilian theories. Here is a link.
September 7, 2006 at 4:02 pm #17163johnson
ParticipantSurely you have heard those names at some point. From what I have heard, the Tibetans openly acknowledge the existence of the underground reptilian kingdom underneath Tibet.
June 6, 2006 at 2:51 pm #14622johnson
ParticipantI read a testimonial from a terminal AIDS patient who cured himself and stayed cureds by eating large amounts of virgin coconut oil and coconut every day. I have never had AIDS, but I have lived largely on coconut for months at a time, and never felt better in my life.
you might also try Dr. Tom Cowan’s website, he would be able to direct you to some resources.
Finally, I hear from David Hudson that a lot of AIDS patients have seen good results from using microcluster rhodium. There are a number of producers. You might take a look at for a number of different companies that make microcluster rhodium. They call it m-state or Ormus or ORMEs.
March 30, 2006 at 3:56 pm #12137johnson
ParticipantThat’s funny, I thought it was Dog Year.
March 26, 2006 at 8:02 pm #11811johnson
ParticipantI’ve tried all the raw diets, fruitarian, lo-fat fruitarian, avocado and greens, tons of juiciing, etc., etc. The best foods I’ve found for a raw diet are shellfish, fish roe, fresh greens, sea salt, flax oil, and cconut oil. Go easy on fruit, dried fruit, nuts, nut butters, and “raw gourmet” food. Fruit, espeically dried fruit, will ruin your teeth. Avocadoes will usually sap your energy if you eat a lot. The quality is more important than anything else. Superfood is several years away, but we may all be eating superfood in 20-30 years, the kind that will let you live for hundreds of years. Meanwhile, be careful with the foods I mentioned. Nuts and fruit will tear your teeth up. Get some raw fats and greens, particularly shellfish and coconut. Remember, you can heat it up to 117 degrees Fahrenheit, and still have it ber raw. There’s no point in eating food much below body temp. Food that’s about 2-3 dgrees above body temp is easier to digest, and is stil raw. Raw organ meats have been very healing to many people as well, as long as they are from healthy animals. Check out Dr. Weston Price’s work at Veganism will ruin your health, long-term, unless you include some dairy, insects, eggs, or something. I have seen more than one vegan slowly deteriorate over time. Protect yourself with good-quality fat.
January 17, 2006 at 3:40 pm #9811johnson
ParticipantIn my experience, I will only sunburn if I am eating a crappy enough diet. Enough good-quality raw or lightly cooked food, and I just don’t burn. I would guess this applies to eye exposure to the sun as well.
December 27, 2005 at 4:20 pm #9596johnson
ParticipantI used a lot of greens, fruits, veggies, etc. I was always pretty thin, eating that way. I don’t think whole grains, properly prepared, are completely worthless, nutritionally speaking. This is too big a topic for this forum. I really think that the way the food is grown is as important as how it is prepared. I am working on growing some of my own food using some ideas from the Ormus/white-gold crew, as well as ideas from Dr. Price’s chapter on Deaf Smith county. If you are still curious, email me at