loes replied to the topic Sexual Foreplay is Overrates (Article) in the forum Practice 16 years, 2 months ago
Hi Michael,
I’m a little late in responding to this item, but I haven’t been on this forum for some time.
I think the key to this question is anticipation
From my own experience I gather that when a woman is having a fulfilling sexlife she doesn’t need much foreplay as her body anticipates the coming action.
On the contrary when…[
loes replied to the topic finally understanding more about anger in the forum Practice 17 years, 2 months ago
Hi SD,
I have been practicing HT for the last three years.
But I have done many other things as well.Four years ago I was still addicted to drugs, alcohol, anger, sugar, junkfood, work and a bad relationship and suffering from a burnout.
Once I started breaking that pattern I found that underneath was a very sensetive person. And since…[Read more]
loes replied to the topic finally understanding more about anger in the forum Practice 17 years, 3 months ago
As you can imagine I had a burnout myself as a result of not being aware of my boundaries.
As far as the archetypical anger of women goes, I suppose I may not be a typical woman. Never had much problems with PMS either.
My anger was mostly focussed on other women (my mother and three older sisters were dominant in the household I grew…[Read more] -
loes replied to the topic Jon Whale / Assemblage point in the forum General 17 years, 3 months ago
In (very) short it is about forcefully aligning the energybody using crystals.
I had my first session last week and the effect was almost immediate.
After a short spell of feeling woozy, I felt more centered and grounded then ever.I see your point about creating shadow when not done properly.
Thank you for your insight. I will have to do…[Read more] -
loes replied to the topic Sexual frustration: PRACTICAL solutions? in the forum Practice 17 years, 3 months ago
Hi Steven,
I may not know what it is like to be a man (at least not in this lifetime) but as a former addict I do know something about cravings. And in my experience wanting sex is one of them, comparable to wanting drugs, alcohol, junkfood, etc
Cravings are like little children: they want it and they want it NOW!
And when you don’t give it…[
loes replied to the topic Are you left or right brained? in the forum General 17 years, 3 months ago
Trying to recreate the experience of this morning I find it hard to do.
Probably thinking to much about it. Hard to keep a beginners mind.
I do think it has something to do with identifying with the figurine and I experience the rotation mostly in the solar plexis. Moving my hands with the motion helps.Thinking about it, it may give an…[Read more]
loes replied to the topic Are you left or right brained? in the forum General 17 years, 3 months ago
Trying to recreate the sensation of this morning I find it very hard to do.
Probably thinking to much about it, since I tried analysing it at the same time.
Always hard to keep a beginners mind.
I do think it has something to do with identifying with the figurine and I feel the rotation most in the solarplexus. Moving my hands with the motion helped. -
loes replied to the topic Are you left or right brained? in the forum General 17 years, 3 months ago
This is fun!
At first I could only see her turning clockwise.
With some effort I could make her turn the other way, but only for short periods of time.
What helped for me was to close my eyes and visualise her turning the other way.
Then I realised that moving my own energy in one or the other direction made her move either way. After that I…[Read more] -
loes replied to the topic Crisis looms as 18 million Chinese can't find a wife in the forum Philosophy 17 years, 6 months ago
I can just imagine what this will do to all those little emperors who are used to getting their way, thinking they are gods…
How they will sublimate their frustration…
I hope this will bring the chinese government to take better care of girl foundlings, instead of selling them off to the US and Europe as if they are just an other…[Read more]
loes replied to the topic 7 gates of the heart in the forum Practice 17 years, 6 months ago
Is there only one way? I wonder… Aren’t all ways the same way anyway?
The way I see it at the moment, there is only my way. That is the way that works for me and suits my needs. It provides my self with the experience it needs to grow and progress. Listening to my needs is essential in that process. I need to do what I need to do.
Looking…[Read more]
loes replied to the topic Something futher on the unprecedented changes in the forum General 17 years, 6 months ago
I personally like your name. And not just the Peter-Pan connection (friendy-wendy)
But Wendy also revers to changing direction, neverending cycles, rings, for ever changing and flexibility.
Not a bad name to have and from what I’ve seen from you, I think you live up to it.I would have a problem with Ludwina: “friend of the people”, as I do…[Read more]
loes replied to the topic Something futher on the unprecedented changes in the forum General 17 years, 6 months ago
I personally like your name. And not just the Peter-Pan connection (friendy-wendy)
But Wendy also revers to changing direction, neverending cycles, rings, for ever changing and flexibility.
Not a bad name to have and from what I’ve seen from you, I think you live up to it.I would have a problem with Ludwina: “friend of the people”, as I do…[Read more]
loes replied to the topic airline travel in the forum General 17 years, 7 months ago
my favourit game in any moving vehicle:
just close your eyes for a moment and focus
it is not you ( the car , the plane, the train…) that is moving
you are not going anywhwere, you stand still in time
it’s the earth that is moving underneath you that makes the landscape pass by
open your eyes and see if you can keep that…[Read more]
loes replied to the topic grounding, the spleen and trust in the forum Practice 17 years, 7 months ago
Yes Steven, you are right, it is time to go back to basics.
It feels like in the last three years I made a full turn and I have come back where I started. Not exactly the same though. My life has changed dramaticly is the past 3 years. This may very well be the beginning of a new cycle. -
loes replied to the topic grounding, the spleen and trust in the forum Practice 17 years, 7 months ago
Thank you both for your reaction. They both resonate with what is going on with me.
I suppose the brain wants to be reasured: am I mad or am I mad?
Talking about trust!When I loose my ground, the mind takes over.
This idea of all mothers being connected just popped up and wouldn’t go away.
It’s funny how the brain seems to have…[
loes replied to the topic Question for Michael and anyone else re: belly dance in the forum General 17 years, 7 months ago
It is said that bellydancing originated as temple dance in the Middle East and I think that quite possibly there is an Atlantean connection.
It was banned for a long time since it is a method of empowering women.
The more I know and understand about feminin sexual practice the more it makes sense to me.
Some of the bellymoves for example are…[
loes replied to the topic The Ghost In Your Genes in the forum General 17 years, 8 months ago
I couldn’t watch the video (my computer is to slow) but I have seen a program about this some time ago on dutch television. This gives a whole new meaning to the phrase “the sins of the father…” doesn’t it?
Funny how this topic coincides with the one from Luke on the Practice forum.
loes replied to the topic family in the forum Practice 17 years, 8 months ago
Hi Luke,
I have run into some family issues myself in the past year and I have come to believe that this is as important for them as it is for me. I have even felt them manipulating my life so I would be confronted with some of the old pain in order to work through it. I feel they very much aprove of what I am doing here.
They have shared…[Read more]
loes replied to the topic Qigong Movements as effects rather than causes in the forum General 17 years, 9 months ago
I think if communication goes two ways between shen and jing, wich I believe it does, then wouldn’t it be obvious that communication between ourselves and the universe goes both ways as well. It is not just us feeding the universe, but the universe feeding us at the same time. Through our communication with the universe we can acces all…[Read more]