WudangAlienAlchemist replied to the topic Michael Winn, why don't you ever talk about the underground cities? in the forum General 18 years, 6 months ago
Shasta is very Lumerian. If you have not visited I suggest it highly.
WudangAlienAlchemist replied to the topic cod liver oil in tcm terms in the forum General 18 years, 6 months ago
Although, I am sure that different fish have differing qualities that are not addressed. There is also a mecury issue with fish. If you are taking a supplement fish oil it can be hard to determine where the fish originated. Therfore increasing the difficulty in gauging the mercury content of your supplement. Be assured there is at least a minimal amount.
WudangAlienAlchemist replied to the topic cod liver oil in tcm terms in the forum General 18 years, 6 months ago
Hypothetically speaking yes. I would wont to access the quality of whatever oils you are taking. Quite often these kinds of oils are rancid. Normally I would suggest some kind of fish oil for a few weeks with a flax seed oil (unrefined, organic, cold pressed, refrigirated.) and then move them to just the flax oil.
WudangAlienAlchemist replied to the topic cod liver oil in tcm terms in the forum General 18 years, 6 months ago
Oranges are considered cooling. Check out Healing With Whole Foods by Paul Pitchford. It is a fabulous textbook which bridges modern scientific nutrition with asian food sciences. Cod Liver oil is awesome, Flax oil tends to work better for folks.
WudangAlienAlchemist replied to the topic The forum is either A) Stupid or B) Never done Greatest Fire Water in the forum General 18 years, 6 months ago
Ok, first of all the planets. How is a planet supposed to feel? Everything feels differently to everyone because our existence and paths are not identical. We have differing metapatterns and outlloks on life. (more hippie garbage, maybe.) but thats your problem now.
Now as far as how anyone would know the shapes or tones of a planet. Apparently…[Read more] -
WudangAlienAlchemist replied to the topic Kung Fu & Qigong training in the forum General 18 years, 6 months ago
So you studied lightness gong. Would you care to share your training experience in this art? There does not seem to be much data out there.
WudangAlienAlchemist replied to the topic Kung Fu & Qigong training in the forum General 18 years, 6 months ago
Yes Fajin, while it is true that every martial style has complete combat training, I have run into quite a few teachers of so called kung fu and taiji that do not teach the martial application. I have even been told by several taichi teachers that the art never had combat applications. Some believe teaching the internal arts for…[Read more]
WudangAlienAlchemist replied to the topic Kung Fu & Qigong training in the forum General 18 years, 6 months ago
Thanks for this site. I did not have it. Has anyone we know on this site or otherwise been there. Does anyone know its connection to the Wudang Taoist Kung Fu Academy. Fajin, I think these questions are mostly for you. Also does anyone know how close these schools are to each other? Also Fajin, do they fully teach the martial application at the…[Read more]
WudangAlienAlchemist replied to the topic Gullible Americans and the Fear of Terrorism in the forum General 18 years, 6 months ago
geminichasm my friend, you need to do more research. In my opinion one should examine as many sources as possible before forming a conclusion about a subject. I have personally done the research, spoken with individuals who worked in the towers as well as those outside the pentagon. The Goverments story in those cases was a load of crap. Why…[Read more]
WudangAlienAlchemist replied to the topic Kung Fu & Qigong training in the forum General 18 years, 6 months ago
why don’t you put a hyperlink to Yuan’s website. There is alot of stuff in your post all run together. The Wudang meditation was actually the microcosmic orbit method that Michael teaches.
WudangAlienAlchemist replied to the topic Kung Fu & Qigong training in the forum General 18 years, 6 months ago
GGM Leung Ting’s lineage of Wing Tsun to be exact.
WudangAlienAlchemist replied to the topic Kung Fu & Qigong training in the forum General 18 years, 6 months ago
Wing Tsun
WudangAlienAlchemist replied to the topic Stillness, alchemical formulas..Bruce Lee et Cetra… in the forum Practice 18 years, 6 months ago
I have to second the fact that Bruce Lee did not lose the challenge you spoke of. It took him three minutes and he was winded afterwards. That is why he began stressing physical conditioning. As far as other Wing Tsun Masters good for them, everyone should stick with the practices they love. Bruce Lee changed things to fit himself, which is what…[Read more]
WudangAlienAlchemist replied to the topic Kung Fu & Qigong training in the forum General 18 years, 6 months ago
My Plan at this point is to go over to Wudang in about 12 months(give or take a few). As far as my previous experience. I started in Shorin Ji Ryu when I was a young child. I kinda graduated to Taijutsu, which I love very much. However Grandmaster Hatsumi refuses to teach the internal portions of the Martial arts, at least publicly. I have…[Read more]
WudangAlienAlchemist replied to the topic Stillness, alchemical formulas..Bruce Lee et Cetra… in the forum Practice 18 years, 6 months ago
I would have to agree with snowlion on this topic. There are few martial traditions that teach an evolutionary way of practicing the arts. Bruce Lee did. Also in my experience of the Wing Chun community, those individuals that are not so butt hurt about other styles being effective admire Bruce Lee’s work and speak of him as extraordinary. “Butt…[Read more]
WudangAlienAlchemist replied to the topic ROYAL JELLY & BEE POLLEN in the forum General 18 years, 6 months ago
From the point of view of an Asian nutritional therapist, I would suggest that you get the refrigirated royal jelly. Take the suggested dose as the potency may vary depending on the harvesting and the bees. Take your dose every morning with a very small amount of warm water. Do not take your dose with a meal or with a fruit shake. As fruit shakes…[Read more]
WudangAlienAlchemist replied to the topic Kung Fu & Qigong training in the forum General 18 years, 6 months ago
Forgive me I am new to online discusion, and I don’t see anything that directs a question to a certain person besides naming them in the post. I believe that you are speaking to me. So, Wudang I used because it was during a Wudang meditation that my life was transformed also at this point I have dreams every night involving Wudang. Alchemist for I…[Read more]
WudangAlienAlchemist replied to the topic Kung Fu & Qigong training in the forum General 18 years, 6 months ago
Who are you talking to Wendy?
WudangAlienAlchemist replied to the topic Kung Fu & Qigong training in the forum General 18 years, 6 months ago
I am interested in coming for long term study. Two years at least. I wanted to focus on Bagua and then Iorn body. Probably some Taiji eventually. I was wondering if you could tell me about your experience and training there? I cant get very clear answers from Mr. Wang on certain things. I was wondering about the food and what its like. I am large…[Read more]
WudangAlienAlchemist replied to the topic Taoist music? in the forum General 18 years, 6 months ago
Check out the Tao of Healing by Dean Evenson its a cd. I am not for sure that it is Taoist. But I think so, and its a great cd anyway. I often use it during treatments or my qigong.