Trunk replied to the topic "whole body vibration" platform in the forum General 17 years, 1 month ago
The soloflex product ( http://www.soloflex.com/wbv/ ) is the cheapest I’ve seen around (ebay?), and allows standing as well as lying front/back on. Think standing lower tan tien breathing while your insides are vibrating, or lying down doing tao yin while vibrating. Wider range of etc explorations possible.
Trunk replied to the topic Conservation of Jing: Please help. in the forum General 17 years, 7 months ago
Ok, so the situation is that you have no local resources. Given that there are no garuntees in life, and we’re all just getting along as best we can, here’s what I would recommend:
A combination of herbs, acupressure, and exercise (including qi gong).
Call up either dragon herbs ( http://dragonherbs.com/ ) or the tea garden herbal…[Read more] -
Trunk replied to the topic Conservation of Jing: Please help. in the forum General 17 years, 7 months ago
A few thoughts.
Amongst potential benefits, the main dangers of semen retention are stagnation and heat.
One of the Chinese medical views of asthma is that “the kidneys are failing to grasp the lung qi”, so you can’t breathe deeply easily, can’t catch your breath. The (healthy) energy of the lungs is cool and descending, and connects with…[Read more]
Trunk replied to the topic Some weird stuff and questions for taoists in the forum General 17 years, 7 months ago
I agree with freeform, that you are clarifying your central channel. One might expect it to “open”, “flow”, and “fill”, as happens with other channels, but its’ process is unique amongst the channels, is more about clarification, stillness, the union of concentration and openness. One of the concise Tibetan directions re: the central channel is…[Read more]
Trunk replied to the topic Microcosmic Orbit with Kundalini in the forum Practice 17 years, 8 months ago
D> Is there nothing in Toaist cosmology that would explain this thing kundalini? I did not mean circulation of jing I meant a transformation. >
Well, I’m just a poor round-eye, limited to reading Taoist texts that’ve been translated into english – but I haven’t read any description that correlates to kundalini. There’s a ton of un-translated…[Read more]
Trunk replied to the topic Microcosmic Orbit with Kundalini in the forum Practice 17 years, 8 months ago
D> Is kundalini just jing transforming to shen in the fire channel? >
No, definately not. Kundalini is about the lower centers tapping into a Primordial Force. What, exactly, that is, I couldn’t say. But it is definately not just the common circulation of jing, through whichever channel.
Trunk replied to the topic Microcosmic Orbit with Kundalini in the forum Practice 17 years, 8 months ago
j> Can you recommend an overview somewhere? >
Some people find my website helpful, AlchemicalTaoism.com. It’s free, and written (mostly) by students, for students – so, take it for what it’s worth. 😉 Pertinent to our discussion: the Overview section, Microcosmic section, Extraordinary Vessels section (core vessel essays).
Trunk replied to the topic Microcosmic Orbit with Kundalini in the forum Practice 17 years, 8 months ago
The macrocosmic orbit is really important – opening the arm and leg routes, and integrating with your standing practices. ime, the micro can be over-done to the point that one excludes earth connection, and that’s a big mistake.
The central channel is unique, in that it is a still place, where the personal and transpersonal intersect – on an…[Read more]
Trunk replied to the topic visible meridians in the forum General 17 years, 8 months ago
Sometimes they show when there is excess heat in the meridian.
Trunk replied to the topic Wendy and the womb with a view in the forum General 17 years, 9 months ago
My mother had a miscarraige (considerably prior to term, I believe), prior to her pregnancy with me. Not too long ago I remember my mother’s emotions (which were easily mistaken for my emotions at time, since her blood was pumping through my umbilicus, that nourishment was being used to build this body, and I was too early in formation to have a…[Read more]
Trunk replied to the topic Letter to a uterus in the forum General 17 years, 9 months ago
dao dao dao
Trunk replied to the topic How to Fake an Orgasm (for men) in the forum Practice 17 years, 9 months ago
I made two changes to the essay, based on our conversation:
1. I included a couple of tank pictures, one at the beginning, one at the end. Our “body type” discussion prompted me to look for some pictures, and these are what I found to indicate the pertinent issues (not just of body type, but also libidinal psychology, and pelvic structure).…[Read more]
Trunk replied to the topic How to Fake an Orgasm (for men) in the forum Practice 17 years, 9 months ago
m> maybe it’s got a lot to do with body type – i’m pretty thin – not really prone to excessive strength anyway. but i can see how stonger constitutional types would have more strength/power particularlly in that region. >
Yes, you are so right. I thought of mentioning this, but there’s only so much one can type at once. 🙂
I’m a…[Read more]
Trunk replied to the topic Question Fire Channel in the forum Practice 17 years, 9 months ago
Exercise the spine, in any number of ways.
Spine Massage
Spine Exercise -
Trunk replied to the topic How to Fake an Orgasm (for men) in the forum Practice 17 years, 9 months ago
m> Do you mean that the feelings/sensations of ‘power’ and strength that come with vitality, .. are not addressed by most systems? >
Yes, but more specifically:
– muscular strength-usage within the pelvic region, and how that relates to processing jing’s power within the pelvic region.(In this essay..) I’m not addressing…[Read more]
Trunk replied to the topic How to Fake an Orgasm (for men) in the forum Practice 17 years, 9 months ago
m> that cartoon picture of .. the squat .. from dragon gate daoyin. .. has great affect on the LTT >
Always nice to get cross-lineage confirmation, comparison. 😀
Those’re my favorite of the squats; I call ’em “lateral squats”, and I find that they open my hips – and even into my pelvic region – better than any other squat that I’ve…[Read more]
Trunk replied to the topic Letter to a uterus in the forum General 17 years, 9 months ago
w> .. daughter was just wiggling with her hips, .. very healthy to move the hips like that, not to lock them. >
Some friends and I were recently discussing bellydancing, and how much it has in common with qi gong – how it develops the hara and the deep internals along the spine, keeps blood circulating and tissue supple in important areas. I…[Read more]
Trunk replied to the topic Why do Women Lose Sex Drive within Long Term Relationships? Science study. in the forum General 18 years, 1 month ago
Trunk replied to the topic Why do Women Lose Sex Drive within Long Term Relationships? Science study. in the forum General 18 years, 1 month ago
I nominate your post for:
“Best top to bottom honest map of male~female, from the female perspective.”Keith
Trunk replied to the topic First Lieutenant Ehren Watada still refuses Iraq deployment orders, calling the war illegal. A six-year prison term could result in the forum General 18 years, 1 month ago
> Soldiers do not get to decide when and where to fight. They follow orders. He should never have signed up if he had a problem with that. >
That’s the general premise, but I think there are limits…
I’m not a military legal expert, but I think that’s the law up to just short of participating in war crimes. And it’s Watanabe’s assertion that…[Read more] - Load More